Publications |
Seminar Internasional :
- Ahmad Ridwan and Lia Puspita. 2012. Effect of Melatonin Suplemment to Blood Glucose Level and Pancreas Histology of Induced Diabetes Mellitus Male Mice (Mus musculus) Strain S.W. The 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung, Indonesia. 8-9 November 2012
- Ahmad Ridwan and Rima Nurani . 2003. “The study of memorize and psychomotoric ability of male mice (Mus Musculus) SWISS WEBSTER which treated by nicotine. XXVIII International Ethological Conference- Florianópolis, Brazil
- Ridwan A, Awaludin, Wibowo I, Nurasmi. Potential Study of Ethanol Extract of Karamunting (Melastoma malabhatricum) as Growth Precursor for Larvae of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaues monodon) by Dipping Method. Proceeding of The 6th Annual Basic Science International Conference , 2016. Junardi, T.Anggraeni, Ridwan, E.Yuwono. 2013. Early Development of Nypa Palm Worm Namalycastisrhodochorde (Polychaeta: Nereididae): Biological Perspective for Mass Production. International Seminar on Bio-resources for sustainable Bio-industry. Bandung 30-31Oktober 2013
- Junardi, T.Anggraeni, Ridwan, E.Yuwono, T.R.Setyawati. 2013. Early ontogenesis of Small Nypa Palm Worm Namalycastisabiuma(Polychaeta: Nereididae). International Seminar on Indonesian Biodiversity, Purwokerto, 1 September 2013.
- Arief Budi Yulianti, Sony Heru Sumarsono, Ahmad Ridwan, Ayda T. Yusuf. 2012.” Increase of Oxidative Stress and Accumulation of -Synuclein Protein in Midbrain of Rotenone Treatted Wistar Rat”, International Conference on Biomedical Science 2012, ITB Bandung, 27 -28 February 2012
- Hesti Riany, Ahmad Ridwan, Anggraini Barlian. 2012, Polyphenol Effect to Insulin Receptor-B Expression on the Scleletal Muscle of Diabetic-Induced Mice”, International Conference on Biomedical Science 2012, ITB Bandung, 27 -28 February 2012
- Nurasmi, Ridwan A, Awaludin. Isolation and Characterization of Nematocysts’ Venom Proteins of the Jellyfish Mastigiaspapua in Kakaban Lake and Sea. Proceeding of The 6th Annual Basic Science International Conference , 2016.
- Ridwan, A., Awaludin, Anggraeni, T. Gonadal Maturity Induction Using Karamunting (Melastoma malabatrhicum) Ethanol Extract on White Shrimp Female (Litopenaeus vannamei). ICGRC 2015, 6th International Conference on Global Resorce
Seminar Nasional :
- Junardi, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan , Edy Yuwono, Tri Rima Setyawati. Early Ontogenesis of small nypa palm worm Namalycastis abiuma (Polychaeta: Nereidadae). Oral presentation in International Symposium on Biodiversity of Indonesia . Unsoed, Purwokerto. 30 Agustus- 1 September 2013.
- Junardi, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan , Edy Yuwono, Tri Rima Setyawati. Fertilisasi dan perkembangan Larva Cacing Bipah Pendek Namalycastis cf abiuma (Polychaeta: Nereididae) sebagai Landasan Informasi Dalam Upaya Budidaya. Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan X. UGM, Yogyakarta. 31 Agustus 2013.
- Junardi, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan , Edy Yuwono. Perbandingan Karakteristik Morfologi Dua Spesies Cacing Nipah Namalycatis pada tahap Maturasi. Seminar Nasional Biologi ke-15. Unsoed, Purwokerto. 30 Agustus- 1 September 2013.
- Arief Budi Yulianti, Sony Heru Sumarsono; Ahmad Ridwan ; Ayda T Yusuf (2012). The steady state of Cellular Antioxidant and Free Radicals in Midbrain of the Wistar Rat Treated Rotenone. Seminar nasional FKUI
Publikasi Pilihan
Publikasi di Jurnal Nasional dan Internasional
- Ahmad Ridwan, Z. Zakaria, dan A. Barlian. 2012. Pengaruh Fotoperiode terhadap Respon Stres dan Parameter Reproduksi pada Mencit Jantan (Mus musculus) Galur Swiss Webster. JMS. April 2012, Vol 17. No.1. : 39-45.
- Ahmad Ridwan, R. Tanita Astrian, dan A. Barlian. 2012. Pengukuran Efek Antidiabetes Polifenol (Polyphenon 60) Berdasarkan Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Histologi Pankreas Mencit (Mus musculus) SW Jantan yang Dikondisikan Diabetes Mellitus. JMS. April 2012, Vol 17. No.2.: 78-82..
- Ahmad Ridwan,Ayu Nirmala Sari & Ramadhani Eka Putra. The Potency of Trigona’sPropolis Extract as Reactive Oxygen Species Inhibitor in Diabetic Mice .J. Math. Fund. Sci., Vol. 47, No. 3, 2015, 261-268.
- Ridwan, A., Sari, A.N., Putra, R.E. 2015. The Potency of Trigona’s Propolis Extract as Reactive Oxygen Species Inhibitor in Diabetic Mice. J. Math. Fund. Sci. Vol. 47, No. 3, p 261-268. ISSN: 2337-5760, E-ISSN:2338-5510. SJR0.109. SNIP0.264. DOI:
- Soetopo, R.S., Ridwan, A., Suripto. 2005. Toksisitas Subkronis Timbal (Pb) dalam limbah padat IPAL Industri Kertas terhadap karakteristik darah tikus Rattus norvegicus. Jurnal Balai Selulosa, Vol.40. No. 2 : 63-76.
- Arief Budi Yulianti, Sony HeruSumarsono, Ahmad Ridwan, Ayda T. Yusuf. 2012.” Increase of Oxidative Stress and Accumulation of -Synuclein Protein in Midbrain of Rotenone TreattedWistar Rat”, ITB J. Sci., Vol 44A., No. 4, 2012, 317-332.
- Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Ahmad Ridwan, Yedi Purwandi Sukmawan. 2015. Vasidilatation Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Anredera cordifolia sonchus arvensis L, and Ursolic Acid on Isolated Rabbit Aortic and Frog Heart. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 8, Issue 2, 2016. ISSN 0975-1491.
- Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Ahmad Ridwan, Yedi Purwandi Sukmawan. 2016. Vasidilatation Effect of Eleanolic acid and Apigenin as a metabolite compound of Anredera cordifolia (Ten) V. Steenis On Isolated Rabbit Aortic and Frog Heart. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 7(5), Sept-Oct 2016
- Yulianti, AB., Sumarsono, SH., Ridwan, A., Yusuf, AT. 2012. Increase of Oxidative Stress and Accumulation of alpha-Synuclein Protein in Midbrain of Rotenone Treatted Wistar Rat. ITB Journal of Science. Vol. 44A No. 4, 2012. ISSN 2337-5760. SJR 0.109. SNIP 0.264. DOI Number : 10.5614/itbj.sci.2012.44.4.3
- Sukandar, E.Y., Ridwan, A., Sukmawan, Y.P. 2016. Vasodilation Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Anredera cordifolia, Sonchus arvensis L., and Ursonic Acid on Isolated Rabbit Aortic and Frog Heart. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 8, Issue 2. ISSN 0975-1491. SJR 0.282. SNIP 0.535.
- Sukandar, EY.,Ridwan, A., Sukmawan, YP. Vasodilation Effect of Oleanolic Acid and Apigenin as a Metabolite Compound of Anredera cordifolia (Ten) V.Steenis on Isolated Rabbit Aortic and Frog Heart. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy. Vol 7(5), 82-84. Sep-Oct 2016. ISSN (online) 2229-3566. ISSN (Print) 2277-4343. SJR 0.162. SNIP 0.20. DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.075200
- Yulianti, A.B., Sumarsono, S.H., Ridwan, A., Yusuf, A.T. 2015. Hubungan Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) dab Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) dengan Protein α-Sinuklein-larut Air pada Batang Otak Tikus yang Diinduksi Rotenon. Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol. 3 No. 2, September 2015. ISSN 2301-9123. e-ISSN 2460-5441. Terakreditasi B (SK Menristek DIKTI No 2/E/KPT/2015).
Makalah di Prosiding Nasional dan Internasional
- ,Ridwan, A., Awaludin. 2016. Isolation and Characterization of Nematocysts’ Venom Proteins of the Jellyfish Mastigiaspapuain Kakaban Lake and Sea. Proceedings of The 6th Annual Basic Science International Conference “Enhancing Innovation in Science for Sustainable Development.” Atria Hotel and Conference, Malang, Indonesia. March, 2nd – 3rd 2016. ISSN: 2338-0128.
- Ridwan, A., Awaludin, T. Anggraeni. 2015. Gonadal Maturity Induction using Karamunting (Melastoma malabatrhicum) Ethanol Extract on White Shrimp Female (Litopenaeus vannamei) Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation (ICGRC) 2015.
- Ridwan, A., Awaludin., Wibowo, I., Nurasmi. 2016. Potential Study ff Ethanol Extract of Karamunting (Melastoma malabhatricum) as Growth Precursor for Larvae of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaues monodon) by Dipping Method. Proceedings of The 6th Annual Basic Science International Conference “Enhancing Innovation in Science for Sustainable Development.” Atria Hotel and Conference, Malang, Indonesia. March, 2nd – 3rd 2016. ISSN: 2338-0128.
- Arief Budi Yulianti, Sony Heru Sumarsono, Ahmad Ridwan, Ayda T. Yusuf. 2012.” Increase of Oxidative Stress and Accumulation of -Synuclein Protein in Midbrain of Rotenone Treatted Wistar Rat”, Proceeding International Conference on Biomedical Science 2012, ITB Bandung, 27 -28 February 2012
- Arief BudiYulianti , Sony Heru Sumarsono ; Ahmad Ridwan ; Ayda T Yusuf. 2012. Free Radicals and Aggregate Protein in Brainstem of The Wistar Rat Treated Rotenone The 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS Proceedings), Bandung, Indonesia. 8-9 November 2012.
- Deti N. Kuswatiningsih , Ahmad Ridwan , Ramadhani E. Putra. 2012. STUDY OF KIDNEY FAILURE: ANALYSIS OF NEPHRIN GLOMERULAR OF MOUSE’S KIDNEY INDUCED BY HIPERTENSION. The 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS Proceedings), Bandung, Indonesia. 8-9 November 2012.
- Elin Yulinah Sukandara, Ahmad Ridwanb, Yedy Purwandi Sukmawan. Vasodilation Effect Of Oleanolic Acid And Apigenin As A Metabolite Compound Of Anredera cordifolia (Ten) V. Steenis On Isolated Rabbit Aortic And Frog Heart.
- Hesti Riany, Ahmad Ridwan, Anggraini Barlian. 2012, Polyphenol Effect to Insulin Receptor-B Expression on the Scleletal Muscle of Diabetic-Induced Mice”, Proceeding International Conference on Biomedical Science 2012, ITB Bandung, 27 -28 February 2012
- Junardi, T.Anggraeni, Ridwan, E.Yuwono, T.R.S etyawati. 2013. Perbandingan Karakteristik Dua Spesies CacingNipahNamalycastis(Polychaeta: Nereididae) padaTahapMaturasi. Prosiding Seminar NasionalBiologi ke-22. Purwokerto, 1 September 2013
- Junardi, T.Anggraeni, Ridwan, E.Yuwono, T.R.Setyawati. 2013. Early ontogenesis of Small Nypa Palm Worm Namalycastis abiuma (Polychaeta: Nereididae). Proceeding International Seminar on Indonesian Biodiversity, Purwokerto, 1 September 2013.
- Junardi, T.Anggraeni, Ridwan, E.Yuwono, T.R.Setyawati. 2013. Fertilisasidan Perkembangan Larva Cacing Nipah Pendek Namalycastis cf abiuma (Polychaeta: Nereididae). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan X, Jogyakarta, 31 Agustus 2013.
- Junardi, T.Anggraeni, Ridwan, E.Yuwono. 2013. Early Development of Nypa Palm Worm Namalycastisrhodochorde (Polychaeta: Nereididae): Biological Perspective for Mass Production. Proceeding International Seminar on Bio-resources for sustainable Bio-industry. Bandung 30-31Oktober 2013
- Junardi, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan and Edy Yuwono. 2012. The Maturity of Nypa Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde (Nereididae: Polychaeta). ICMNS Proceeding Bandung, Indonesia. 8-9 November 2012.
- Muhammad Idris, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan dan Edy Yuwono. 2010. Succesive Spawning Study on Australian Red Claw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) : I. Effect of Protein and Energy Content of Feed on Duration Inter Spawning. Proceeding 2nd International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology 2010, Udayana Universty, Bali.
- Muhammad Idris, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan dan Edy Yuwono. 2009. Duration Inter Spawning on Australian Red Claw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) and the Possibility of Its Application as Feed Quality Indicator: Preliminary Study. Proceeding ICEBP 2009, ITB.
- Muhammad Idris, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan dan Edy Yuwono. 2010. PENGAMATAN SPAWNING BERULANG PADA LOBSTER AIR TAWAR (LAT) CAPIT MERAH (Cherax quadricarinatus). Prosiding Seminar Biologi Desember 2010, UNPAD
- Muhammad Idris, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan dan Edy Yuwono. 2010. Succesive Spawning Study on Australian Red Claw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) : I. Effect of Protein and Energy Content of Feed on Duration Inter Spawning. Proceeding 2nd International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology 2010, Udayana Universty, Bali.
- Muhammad Idris, Tjandra Anggraeni, Ahmad Ridwan dan Edy Yuwono. 2009. Duration Inter Spawning on Australian Red Claw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) and the Possibility of Its Application as Feed Quality Indicator: Preliminary Study. Proceeding ICEBP 2009, ITB.